
Shipping Policy

Thank you for trusting us to take care of your shipments!!

Please read carefully what is written below and return an email confirming your agreement to the company’s terms so that we can continue the ordering process!
(Click on reply email and write – “I Confirm”)

It is important for us to update you on a few things!

ShippingToGo is a company subject to the procedures and availability of carrier companies.
At the same time you must understand that:

• Unfortunately, there are cases in which there is a delay in collection or delivery times.
The duration of the delivery is the complete responsibility of the carrier companies, the average delivery time offered is determined by the carrier companies only.

• In the event of damage or loss, ShipingToGo will make every effort to compensate the customer,
subject to the carriers companys procedures.

• We recommend not sending envelopes that contain sensitive documents such as a license, credit card, passport and the like.

By shipping with us, you must represent that the shipment does not contain dangerous goods. or anything else prohibited by the carrier or destination country.
See the list of prohibited goods

If you dont repect those legel rules, your responsbility is engaged in case of incident, and your shipment can be blocked or destroyed by the carrier. No refund can be asked whatsoever.

If dimensions or weight do not match the values reported by the shipping company, additional charge will be applied to your credit card based on the information provided by the courier.

Note:In case the goods are returned, the shipping costs will apply to you and will be charged automatically from the credit card.

The prices do not include:

• Storage or retention, special treatments such as: physical examination, treatment at the Standards Institute/Ministry of Health or any other unexpected expense.
• Issuing licenses, insurance(If not specified in the order).
• VAT or other taxes.
• The prices do not cover any taxes paid to the Port Authority and/or to various authorities, institutions and/or government offices.